
Sealey Safety Products

447 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 447 products

Showing 1 - 48 of 447 products
Sealey Shot Blasting Gauntlets 585mm Cuffed Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (Large) - PairWorksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (Large) - Pair
Sealey Premier Mechanic's Gloves Light Palm Tactouch - LargeSealey Premier Mechanic's Gloves Light Palm Tactouch - Large
Worksafe by Sealey Comfort Knee Pads - PairWorksafe by Sealey Comfort Knee Pads - Pair
Sale price€11,95
Worksafe by Sealey Comfort Knee Pads - Pair In stock
Worksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (X-Large) - Pack of 12 PairsWorksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (X-Large) - Pack of 12 Pairs
Worksafe by Sealey Deluxe Ear Defenders - FoldingWorksafe by Sealey Deluxe Ear Defenders - Folding
Worksafe by Sealey Super Grip Knitted Gloves Latex Palm (X-Large) - PairWorksafe by Sealey Super Grip Knitted Gloves Latex Palm (X-Large) - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Face Shield with Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)Worksafe by Sealey Face Shield with Powered Air Purifying Respirator (PAPR)
Worksafe by Sealey Deluxe Face ShieldWorksafe by Sealey Deluxe Face Shield
Sale price€25,95
Worksafe by Sealey Deluxe Face Shield In stock
Worksafe by Sealey Fold Flat Mask FFP2 - Pack of 10Worksafe by Sealey Fold Flat Mask FFP2 - Pack of 10
Worksafe by Sealey Back Support Belt Large - 965-1120mmWorksafe by Sealey Back Support Belt Large - 965-1120mm
Sealey Premier Mechanic's Gloves Light Palm Tactouch - X-Large
Worksafe by Sealey Ear Defenders Folding
Sale price€11,95
Worksafe by Sealey Ear Defenders Folding In stock
Worksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (Large) - Pack of 6 PairsWorksafe by Sealey Foam Latex Gloves (Large) - Pack of 6 Pairs
Worksafe by Sealey Flexi Grip Nitrile Palm Gloves (X-Large) - PairWorksafe by Sealey Flexi Grip Nitrile Palm Gloves (X-Large) - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Ear Plugs Disposable - 100 PairsWorksafe by Sealey Ear Plugs Disposable - 100 Pairs
Sealey Panoramic Welding Helmet Auto Darkening - Shade 9-13Sealey Panoramic Welding Helmet Auto Darkening - Shade 9-13
Worksafe by Sealey Waterproof Latex Gloves - (Large) - Pack of 6 PairsWorksafe by Sealey Waterproof Latex Gloves - (Large) - Pack of 6 Pairs
Worksafe by Sealey White Precision Grip Gloves Large – PairWorksafe by Sealey White Precision Grip Gloves Large – Pair
Sealey General Purpose PVC Gauntlets 355mm Cuffed PairSealey General Purpose PVC Gauntlets 355mm Cuffed Pair
Sealey Cut & Impact Resistant Gloves - X-Large - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Standard Goggles - Indirect Vent - Pack of 10Worksafe by Sealey Standard Goggles - Indirect Vent - Pack of 10
Sealey Cut & Impact Resistant Gloves - Large - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Valved Fold Flat Mask FFP3 - Pack of 10Worksafe by Sealey Valved Fold Flat Mask FFP3 - Pack of 10
Worksafe by Sealey Fold Flat Mask FFP1 - Pack of 10Worksafe by Sealey Fold Flat Mask FFP1 - Pack of 10
Worksafe by Sealey Cup Mask Valved FFP3 - Pack of 3Worksafe by Sealey Cup Mask Valved FFP3 - Pack of 3
Worksafe by Sealey Valved Fold Flat Mask FFP2 - Pack of 10Worksafe by Sealey Valved Fold Flat Mask FFP2 - Pack of 10
Worksafe by Sealey Hard Shell Gel Knee Pads - PairWorksafe by Sealey Hard Shell Gel Knee Pads - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Red PVC Gauntlets 450mm - PairWorksafe by Sealey Red PVC Gauntlets 450mm - Pair
Worksafe by Sealey Forestry KitWorksafe by Sealey Forestry Kit
Sale price€32,95
Worksafe by Sealey Forestry Kit In stock
Sealey Eye/Wound Wash Solution Pods Pack of 25
Sealey Fire Extinguisher 0.6kg Dry Powder - Disposable
Sealey Fire Extinguisher 2kg Dry Powder
Sale price€62,95
Sealey Fire Extinguisher 2kg Dry Powder In stock
Sealey Kevlar® Hot Sleeve 460mm
Sale price€17,95
Sealey Kevlar® Hot Sleeve 460mm In stock
Sealey Kevlar® Hot Sleeve 355mmSealey Kevlar® Hot Sleeve 355mm
Sale price€15,95
Sealey Kevlar® Hot Sleeve 355mm In stock
Worksafe by Sealey Deluxe Clip-On Ear DefendersWorksafe by Sealey Deluxe Clip-On Ear Defenders

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