EverBuild Black Jack Self Adhesive Flashing Tape Lead Look Finish 10m Trade Roof Repair
Strong self-adhesive flashing tape comprising of an aluminium foil and a bitumen rubber adhesive
The adhesive forms a strong waterproof seal simply by pressing the tape into place by hand
- General repair to existing flashing
- Flashing bituminous felt and similar roofs
- Flashing parapet walls
- Replacement of lost lead flashing
- Repairs to cracks in concrete
- Repairs to lead gutters
- Sealing capping bolts in roof sheets
- Sealing roof ridges
- Protective coating to insulation materials
- Sealing projections through roofs and similar sections
- Flashing between timber and brickwork or blockwork or blockwork cavities
- Flashing of skylights
- Replaces need for lead flashing
- Self-adhesive - requires no separate glue
Tape Stength: 3.5N/min