
ForgeFix 1000 Pack ForgeFast Pozi Compatible Elite Performance Wood Screws Zinc Yellow
Anti Split Fast Drive Elite Performance Woodscrews
Elementech 400 Surface Coating Provides Corrosion Resistance
Salt Spray Tested to 400 Hours
A Non Cr, Cr3+ Yellow Zinc Plated Surface is Environmentally Friendly
Lasts up to 6 Times Longer than Standard Zinc Screw Protective Coating
Double Cutting Point Reduces Splitting and Drive Time
Capable of Penetrating 0.8mm Steel
Serrated Cutting Reduces Torque for a Faster Firmer Fix
Improved Pull out Provided by a Serrated Cutting Thread
Reinforced Countersunk Neck Provides Holding Power
Improved Countersinking from 6 Angled Lobes
Anti Friction Prevents Jacking, Rotation and Splitting
Suitable for Interior Use
- 3.5mm x 16mm (150 Screws)
- 3.5mm x 20mm (100 Screws)
- 3.5mm x 30mm (180 Screws)
- 4.0mm x 25mm (130 Screws)
- 4.0mm x 30mm (140 Screws)
- 4.0mm x 40mm (100 Screws)
- 4.0mm x 50mm (80 Screws)
- 5.0mm x 50mm (55 Screws)
- 5.0mm x 80mm (65 Screws)
- 5 x Pozi Screwdriver Bits