
HoleMaker Technology VersaDrive CarbideMax TCT Holesaws
At Least 10x Longer Life than Bi-Metal Holesaws
Massive 70mm Reach with 55mm Depth of Cut
Premium Quality Tungsten Carbide Teeth
Perfect for Drilling Heavy Steel in Remote Locations
High Strength, Non Slip Shank Design
Use in Any Standard Drill Chuck or with a Magnet Drill Adaptor. Combine with the Multisink Tool to Broach and Countersink in One Operation
A Highly Versatile Tungsten Carbide Holesaw System for use with a Range of Power Tools Including Hand Drills, Mag Drills and Pillar Drills
The Perfect Heavy Duty Holesaw for Fabricators and Steel Erectors Needing to Drill Through Heavy Steel in Locations that Aren't Suitable for a Mag Drill